25 East 2nd Street • Frederick, MD 21701


Grace UCC Outreach

No kid sleeps on the floor in our town!

Sleep in Heavenly Peace Logo

What’s needed are sheets, blankets, comforters and mattress covers for TWIN beds 

that can then go along with the beds that are being built. 

At the end of each month, we’ll collect all items from the box and take them to Petersen’s Carpet & Flooring, which is one of the main donation sites.

In addition to sheets, blankets, and mattress covers, you can donate online to the local chapter. Sleep In Heavenly Peace is 100% volunteer and donation-driven; any contributions will go straight to buying materials and assembling beds!



The Community Table

Grace UCC volunteers to serve those that are facing food insecurity at The Community Table on the Third Sunday of even numbered months. 


Grace UCC Annual Coat & Sock Drive

We will begin collecting new, warm socks and new, or gently used, winter coats!! The coats and socks will be collected in our Collection Boxes and provided to the homeless community.  


Grace UCC provides financial support to various organizations throughout Frederick County and beyond. Examples of these organizations are Habitat for Humanity, Beyond Shelter, The Heartly House, ALS Foundation, and many others. 




FCAA Food Bank  “Grace Groceries”
Please drop your food bank items in the 3rd Street entrance vestibule.
CANNED SAUCES ~ And other non-perishables






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A Community Outreach Project of

Grace United Church of Christ”

 Frederick Gives Back is a community outreach project of Grace United Church of Christ in partnership with local volunteers, local restaurants, and local healthcare facilities. Inspired by the Frontline Foods movement, Frederick Gives Back takes a local, uniquely Frederick approach to a national sentiment: giving back to the healthcare workers who are sacrificing so much to help their communities.

The project is four-fold:

  1. Volunteers work to raise funds, which are then
  2. used to engage locally-owned restaurants. With the donated funds, the restaurants will
  3. prepare and deliver nutritious meals to local healthcare facilities,
  4. thereby providing a show of support to our healthcare workers.
At this time, Frederick Gives Back is starting the process to work with Frederick Health Hospital and 7th Street Sandwich Shop to bring our first partnership online. From there, we hope to be able to expand to include multiple restaurant and healthcare partners. We are currently accepting donations to be used for the project.

All donations will be made through Grace United Church of Christ, as the organization leading Frederick Gives Back. Grace Church will then be using these donations to pay our restaurant partners. 

Donations may be made via
Under (Optional) Use this donation for:
Click the arrow and choose; 
“Frederick Gives Back” 
from the list of giving programs.
Those interested in volunteering or in becoming restaurant partners, please reach out to Trevor Addie-Carter, Project Management Administrator, at trevor.grucc@gmail.com

Together we can make a difference!

Trevor Addie-Carter
Chairperson, Outreach Ministry Commission
Grace United Church of Christ




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Emergency Cleanup Bucket and Supply Drive

You can provide assistance to families and communities
affected by flooding, tornados and other disasters.
Grace Church is still collecting supplies for Church World Service’s
Emergency Clean Up Bucket kits.  Each bucket needs the supplies
listed below.  Those interested can donate buckets, supplies,
or any combination of the two.  There is a bin in the back of the
Good Shepherd Room where supplies may be dropped off.
  • One five-gallon bucket with resealable lid (If bucket has been used, clean well but do not use if it has held chemicals of any kind.)
  • Four scouring pads
  • Seven sponges, including one large
  • One scrub brush
  • Eighteen reusable, lightweight dry cleaning towels (e.g. Handi wipes)
  • One 50 oz. or two 25 oz. bottle(s) of liquid laundry detergent
  • One 16-28 oz. bottle of liquid disinfectant dish soap
  • One 12-16 oz. bottle of household cleaner that can be mixed with water (no spray bottles)
  • One package of 48-50 clothespins
  • Clothesline, two 50 ft. or one 100 ft.
  • Five dust masks
  • Two pairs heavy-duty, waterproof dishwashing gloves (latex-free, non-surgical)
  • One pair work gloves, cotton with leather palm or all leather
  • 24-28 heavy duty or contractor type 30-45 gallon trash bags on a roll and removed from carton
  • One 6-9 oz. bottle of non-aerosol insect repellent

Mission, Outreach, and Volunteer Opportunities:

FCCA logoFrederick Community Action Agency’s (FCAA)

Soup Kitchen

Volunteers from Grace Church serve at the Soup Kitchen on the 3rd Sunday of even months. It’s a rewarding mission experience and we always have fun. 

2021 Soup Kitchen SCHEDULE:

To Be Determined

FCAA/Frederick FoodBank

On the third Sunday of every month, we dedicate the “Grace Groceries” that have

been collected in our little red wagon (in the narthex), and then deliver them to the

Frederick Foodbank. Thank you for your continued generosity!

COLLECTING NONPERISHABLES:  We ask that you bring nonperishable items or monetary donations that day.  All proceeds will go to Frederick Food Bank.

1inx 1in red logoThe Good Samaritan Fund of Grace Church is designated for emergency relief to members and friends of Grace Church. Only the pastor and person in need know who receives assistance.   Donations to the fund are welcome at any time, in any amount. If you can help, please place a check in the offering plate made out to Grace Church with “Good Samaritan Fund” on the memo line.

Thank you!

Past Projects

Special Offering for March: One Great Hour of Sharing

Words cannot capture the anguish of people when they lose everything in a disaster or have to leave it behind while fleeing war or conflict. Through One Great Hour of Sharing, lives are literally changed daily. Your support provides clean water, food, medicines, shelter, healthcare, education and so much more.
Our 2018 One Great Hour of Sharing collection total was $434.  Thank you for you generosity!  Please remember that you can give to this special mission offering online at any time at www.ucc.org/oghs. Thank you!