25 East 2nd Street • Frederick, MD 21701



The governing body of Grace UCC is the church membership assembled in a congregational meeting.

Church Council

The Church Council consists of eleven (11) members of the congregation who are to be the executive and administrative body of the Church. It is composed of four (4) elected officers, the Chairpersons of the five Ministry Commissions, and two (2) at-large members, elected by the Congregation. The pastor serves as an ex officio (voice, no vote) member of the Council.

The purpose of the Council is to coordinate Church programs, do long-range planning and make recommendations to the Congregation as well as to the staff and the Ministry Commissions. The Council is responsible for putting into place appropriate procedures for the safety of individuals of all ages participating in all programs, especially Worship and Christian Education. The Council serves as a forum for discussion among all represented bodies.

Ministry Commissions

Administrative Ministry Commission

The Administrative Ministry Commission is responsible for the organization and coordination of church policies; however the individual Commissions are responsible for the development and revision of those policies affecting their areas of concern. The Administrative Commission, alongside the Pastor, is responsible for addressing personnel related matters. 

Current Commission Chair: Rachel Fisher

Congregational Life Commission

The Congregational Life Commission is responsible for the oversight of programs for assimilation of new members, hospitality, and opportunities for congregational fellowship. Annual events organized by Congregational Life include Mother’s Day and Father’s Day fellowship, Choir Appreciation Sunday, and our Annual Outdoor Worship Service and Potluck Picnic, along many other luncheons and fellowship events.

Current Commission Chairs: Karen Kehoe and Gwen Edwards

Property and Finance Ministry Commission

The Property and Finance Commission prepares the proposed operating and capital budgets for the Church by soliciting input from the Council, all Commissions, staff and other sources. The Commission takes prudent action to ensure that all funds collected on behalf of the Church are carefully safeguarded with written guidelines for their handling. The Commission organizes the annual pledge drive or other such programs as necessary to raise funds for the church’s operations, programs and capital improvements. The Commission has charge and oversight of the Church property and maintenance of the buildings and property.

Current Commission Chair: Bob Failor

Outreach Ministry Commission

The Outreach Ministry Commission is responsible for organizing and directing programs of spiritual aid to persons and groups in need, through financial, material and personnel support. Such assistance is rendered in the Frederick area and beyond, throughout our nation, and around the world. 

Current Commission Chair: Kat Strauss

Worship and Education Ministry Commission

The Worship and Education Commission helps plan Worship services and provides feedback on such. The Commission also supervises the Christian Education programming at Grace Church. The Worship and Education Commission is responsible for inviting lay participation and arranging for other assistance to the Pastor as needed.